Rules and Divisions

Rules and Divisions

March 27th - 30th

2025 Tennis Tournament Sub- Committee

Fernandez, Horacio (President)
Ahumada, Robert (Chair)
Villarreal, Claudia (Co-Chair)
Trevino, Kiko (Tennis Chair)
Ahumada, Melissa
Alvarez, Ana Laura
Deutsch, Irma
Garcia Mier, Manuel
Larralde, Jorge
Mounetou, Marcela
Mulchand, Pravina
Ochoa, Ciro
Saucedo, Elias
Villarreal, Foro


2025 Deutsch & Deutsch Laredo Open: March 27-30, 2025
Online Registration:
February 7, 2025

Entry Deadline:
March 14, 2025, Sunday by 11:30 P.M.

Draws Posted:
March 23, 2025, Sunday at noon

Gift Bag Pickup:
March 27, 2025 8:00 AM - 4 PM

Tournament Play starts:
March 27, Thursday, 10:00 AM

We're excited to announce that we will be hosting a prime-time professional exhibition singles match presented by Cresta Advisors. The Tournament welcomes Desirae Krawczyk from Palm Desert, CA (#7 WTA Doubles World Ranking) and Giuliana Olmos from Mexico (#34 WTA Doubles World Ranking). We are proud to introduce this unique event that will enhance the Laredo Open Tournament experience and promote the game of tennis in our community by showcasing the talent of two top female professionals in the world.


This year will have separate divisions, NO COMBINED RATING DIVISIONS. If you have any questions concerning your level, please contact LCC tennis professional staff. If players are from outside of the club, your rating will be determined by a tennis professional/ coach that can confirm your rating. Players from outside the United States, the tournament director will determine ratings through friends, contacts, Universal Tennis, etc.

Ladies’ Doubles: 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and up
Men’s Doubles: 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 and up
Mixed Doubles: 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 and up

**players entered in the Men’s Open $$ will not be eligible to play Mixed Doubles.
**All players with your registration includes doubles and mixed doubles. You may enter only one doubles division and one mixed doubles division. Or only enter just doubles or only mixed doubles.


All players must register online.
NO refunds after deadline date. Non-members must pay with credit/debit card upon registering. Laredo Country Club members will have the entry fee billed to their account.
Non-members will sign up in their division for $350 per Non-Member.
***Non-Member only register and pay for one division with your partner's name. Then email me if you are playing mixed doubles and partner's name. That way you will only pay one time the $350. Your partner must register.
Members will sign-up in their division that is Free on the website and $350 per member will be billed to your account.


Draws and times will be posted online on Sunday, March 23, 2025 at noon. A reminder that all times are subject to change in case of inclement weather.
**Players may be substituted into the draw in case of an emergency/injury as long as the tournament has not started, which means no substitution after the start of the tournament, March 27, 2025 , 8 AM. Substitutions must be approved by the Tournament Director and Associate Tournament Directors (Laredo Country Club Tennis Pro Staff).


Players entry fee includes doubles and mixed doubles. Players must enter with a partner in both doubles and mixed doubles. Players may enter doubles, mixed doubles, or both.
Doubles partners in doubles and mixed doubles, can only be .5 level difference. Example a 3.5 may play with a 3.0 or a 4.0.
Example: If a 3.0 player, partners with a 3.5 level you must play in the higher level 3.5. Another example a 2.5 player cannot play with a 3.5 rating, because their ratings are a full point different.

Entry age for juniors: Varsity tennis player at your high school. All high school players must play in the Ladies' 3.5 or 4.0 and up, Men's 4.0 and 4.5 and up, and Mixed Doubles 4.0 and 4.5 and up. Divisions for these players will be determined by the Professional Tennis Staff.


1st Place/ 2nd Place/ Back Draw (Cons) per division.


Players entry fee includes doubles and mixed doubles. Players must enter with a partner in both doubles and mixed doubles. Players may enter doubles, mixed doubles, or both.
Doubles partners in doubles and mixed doubles, can only be .5 level difference. Example a 3.5 may play with a 3.0 or a 4.0.
Example: If a 3.0 player, partners with a 3.5 level you must play in the higher level 3.5. Another example a 2.5 player cannot play with a 3.5 rating, because their ratings are a full point different.

Entry age for juniors: Varsity tennis player at your high school. All high school players must play in the Ladies' 3.5 or 4.0 and up, Men's 4.0 and 4.5 and up, and Mixed Doubles 4.0 and 4.5 and up. Divisions for these players will be determined by the Professional Tennis Staff.


Main Draw Scoring: 2 out of 3 sets, no ad scoring, third set a 10 point tie-breaker (first team to win 10 points and win by at least 2 points). All teams losing their first match will be placed in the back draw. If you have a no show, or default, in the first round that will not count as your first round match.
Back Draw Scoring: 2 out of 3 jet sets. No ad scoring. First to win 4 games. Third set will be a 10 point tie-breaker.


A. All main draw matches will have a minimum one hour break in between matches. Players may request less time. Back draw matches will have a minimum of 30 minutes in between matches.

B. All players must adhere to their scheduled times. If a player or team is more than15 minutes late, they will automatically be defaulted; no exceptions. No match time requests or change of times will be allowed, only in case of inclement weather or court conditions may times get changed by the Tournament Director.

Tournament Referees: Bobby Duran, San Antonio is our head USTA certified referee. If unable to procure a referee a Laredo Country Club Tennis Professional will be in his place.

By registering for The Laredo Open you are agreeing to abide by the ITF Rules of Tennis and USTA Rules & Regulations set forth in the USTA Friend at Court. All players with a USTA rating may only play in that rating or .5 higher. Example: a 3.0 player may play in 3.5. The highest level of sportsmanship is expected from all tournament participants and spectators.

Mike Welnetz, RSPA, Tournament Director